November 2, 2023

CCC RightsLink

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About this integration

CCC RightsLink is a service provided by Copyright Clearance Center (CCC), a global licensing and content solutions organization. CCC RightsLink is a platform that allows content creators, publishers, and rightsholders to manage and facilitate permissions and licensing for their digital content. This service enables copyright holders to offer various types of permissions for their content, such as reprints, photocopies, translations, digital distribution, and more.  

RightsLink is often used by publishers, authors, and other content creators to streamline the process of granting and tracking permissions for the use of their materials. It provides a user-friendly interface that allows individuals and organizations to request and obtain the necessary licenses for using copyrighted materials in a legal and compliant manner.

With the CCC RightsLink Klick, publishers can seamlessly manage their open access payment workflows. This integration also facilitates support for submission and other value-added services.

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