October 16, 2023

Glencoe Software

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About this integration

Glencoe Software is a company that develops and provides software solutions for managing and sharing scientific images and data. Their flagship product is OMERO, an open-source image database that is used by thousands of researchers around the world. Glencoe Software also offers a range of other products, including Bio-Formats (a library for reading and writing scientific image files), PathViewer (a tool for visualizing and analyzing digital pathology images), and NGFF-Converter (a tool for converting image files to the OME-NGFF format).

Glencoe Software's products are used in a variety of research settings, including academia, industry, and government. Their customers include universities, pharmaceutical companies, and government agencies. Glencoe Software's products are known for their scalability, reliability, and ease of use.

Kriyadocs can provide an API integration or URL to connect with a dedicated platform like Glencoe Software for storing video files, enabling the seamless delivery of multimedia content.

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