November 2, 2023

ORCID Trust Markers

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About this integration

ORCID Trust Markers are a set of indicators that can be used to assess the trustworthiness of an ORCID record. They include information such as whether the record has been verified by the researcher, whether the researcher has linked their ORCID record to other trusted sources of information (e.g., institutional repositories, scholarly publishers), and whether the researcher has published in reputable journals.

ORCID Trust Markers can be used by a variety of stakeholders, including:

  • Researchers: Researchers can use ORCID Trust Markers to demonstrate their research credibility to potential collaborators, funders, and employers.
  • Funders: Funders can use ORCID Trust Markers to assess the eligibility of researchers for funding and to monitor the progress of funded projects.
  • Institutions: Institutions can use ORCID Trust Markers to evaluate the performance of their researchers and to make decisions about promotions and tenure.
  • Publishers: Publishers can use ORCID Trust Markers to assess the quality of submissions to their journals and to ensure the integrity of the peer review process.

Kriyadocs is proud to collaborate with ORCID in the Trust Markers pilot project, which aims to enhance the visibility of researchers, promote integrity, and boost the widespread adoption of the ORCID iD.

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